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时间:2021-01-06 16:46 来源:陕西成考网 点击: 206


第56题 请以Food and Health为题写一篇文章。

提示:在发达国家中,人们越来越多地意识(become aware of)到了饮食与健康之间的关系(link)。好的饮食包括蛋白(protein)、脂肪、维生素(vitamins)等等。然而,在发展中国家,相当一部分人仍然没有意识到健康饮食的重要性。结果,像癌症、心脏病这类疾病与日俱增。而在发达国家中,这类疾病日益减少。所以发展中国家的政府应该采取措施,鼓励人们重视正确饮食。


Food and Health


Food and Health

Nowadays。more and more people in the developed countries are becoming aware of the link between diet and good health.They are trying to have a balanced diet containing protein.fat.vitamins and minerals as well as fresh fruit and vegetables which ale good for health.

In most of the developing countries,however,quite a few people still don’t realize the importance of a healthier diet.As a result.diseases such as cancer and heart disease are increasing,while in the developed counties,these diseases have fallen.

It is time for the governments of the developing countries to do something to encourage the eating of the fight kinds of food.Otherwise,people will suffer more.

