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1.broad 2.official 3.purse 4.give 5.question 6.on 7.take 8.D couldnt 9.C already 10.C is writing 11.B playing 12.A who 13.D neither 14.D whether 15.A turn off 16.C will see 17.D Id love to 18.A to do 19.B but 20.B pleasing 21.A cheered 22.D......

1-5 DADDB 6-10 BBDBA 11. 运用了比喻和借代的修辞手法,把女孩比作DNA。生动形象的写出了小女孩刻苦学习的人物形象特点。 12. (1)敬佩她专心学习,刻苦钻研的精神(2)小女孩对生物专业的痴......

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